A community for early-career research scholars who want to connect research to impact. The community is supported by the Academy of Management (AOM) and hosted by the Organization and the Natural Environment AOM division.
Follow us on LinkedIn for updates about the community and research impact.

The Impact Scholar Community was founded in April 2020 with the vision of establishing an online community of organizational scholars and educators conducting research to solve real-world problems. We define impact as evident when (1) our research changes how organizations and decision makers think and act; and (2) we use our position as academics to foster positive change beyond our immediate research insights.
Early-career scholars who want to have impact are often advised to wait until after tenure to begin having impact. However, impact cannot simply be added onto a well-established research program. We instead take the position that achieving impact requires building impact capabilities early in one’s career.
This community is for researchers who believe in research impact on practice, have moved beyond asking ‘why have impact’ and instead are interested in exploring ‘how’. There are many challenges and opportunities of taking research and the researcher out of academia and into the public. This community is a space for dialogue around these opportunities and challenges. We explore big ideas and concrete tips and advice on topics such as what it looks like to have impact, tensions between academic career progress and impact, and publishing impact research.
The Impact Scholar Community offers a virtual platform to connect scholars across the world in building impact into management academia.
We would like to acknowledge support from the Academy of Management’s Strategic Project Fund. We welcome members from all AOM divisions. The Impact Scholar Community is hosted by the Academy of Management ONE Division.
Welcome the new Impact Scholar Community Cohort 2024-2025

The ISC Mentorship Program
After the successful launch of our inaugural mentorship program last year, we are excited to announce the second iteration of the Impact Scholar Mentorship Program. The program represents our dedicated efforts to actively support early-career researchers in fostering scholarly engagement within the research impact discourse. Through mentorship, resources, and peer-to-peer guidance, our goal is to empower early-career researchers, helping them cultivate confidence and recognition as engaged scholars in their fields.
The new cohort of the Impact Scholar Mentorship Program runs from October 2024 to July 2025! We partnered with leading senior scholars in the field to join us as mentors. The 2024-2025 mentors are: Sophie Bacq, Michael Barnett, Christine Beckman, Rodolphe Durand, Aparna Joshi, Jonatan Pinkse, Sandra Waddock, Klaus Weber, Christopher Wickert and Charlene Zietsma.
Information material to build your impact creation capabilities

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